Friday, December 30, 2022

My Mom and Her Angel Project Cards

Mom holding just a few of her
cards that year.
My Mom just loves getting Christmas Cards in the mail. She says it's a lost art that the advent of the internet has taken away from us. So two Christmases ago, I thought my mom could use some happy mail at Christmas. She was alone, with my step-dad, Jim passing away a few years earlier. The holidays can always be a little lonely when that happens, and I thought she would like some paper cheer!

Now I send cards through The Angel Card Project each year, but have never been on the receiving end, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I told her that I submitted her name, but there are hundreds of names on the list. I hoped she would get at least a few cards.

She got over 300!

I don't think everyone gets that many cards, and some may get more. I think it's because she lost her husband that people were extra generous. Either way, I was so thrilled for her.

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