Thursday, June 13, 2024

Snarky But Uplifting Cross Stitch Piece

Yesterday I talked about the importance of making sure the pieces you stitch are legally free. I'm pretty sure I'm safe with this post, but let me explain.

My daughter saw this piece online somewhere and asked me to stitch it for her. She wanted it done in her college colors. That was a lot of fun to find the actual hex colors (they are usually available on any school's website). Then we translated them into DMC thread colors. There are several sites available for this too. Modern times are great!

Anyway, she texted me the pattern and I tried to locate it best I could. I was able to find a really clear image of it. I believe it is attributed to @morganalfays on Tumbler but really struggled to find her account.

The trail has run cold on this one, but I wanted to share the only link I have to this pattern. It can be found HERE. I'm thankful to whomever created this piece. My daughter is really happy with it!

P.S. A funny thing happened with this piece. I stitched it, ironed it, matted it, framed it, photographed it and put in on Instagram. Only then did I realize that the "e and r" in the word better went upwards! I was so annoyed with myself for missing that. In a way though it's kind of fun because it's an "uplifting" saying anyway. Plus, as my daughter says, mistakes make the piece more real. I love that!


  1. Another wonderful, and unique piece Barb - great stitching

    1. Thank you Maxine! It's not my usual style but my daughter loves it! :)
