Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Handmade Card For President Jimmy Carter

Years ago, when I was 18, Jimmy Carter was the first president I voted for. Back then I had no idea what the difference between a democrat or a republican was. But I knew about Jimmy Carter because, as embarrassing as this is to admit, I skipped school and went to a local park to see him. I really think we had nothing better to do that day and he just happened to wind up on my agenda. So after seeing him, he seemed like a nice guy and I cast my first vote ever for him.

That was many, many years ago and I've voted for many more presidents from both parties. But there has always been something special about him. Not just because I saw him in person, but after he became president then lost his second term, his Christian character never waivered. He continued throughout his life to serve God in everything he did and I admire his deeply for that.

When I heard he was in hospice, I did something crazy that was in my heart to do. I mailed him a card and told him all that. That was three days ago and it's my sincere hope that he gets to see it before he passes.

Mailing a card to a famous person was difficult for me. I felt kind of dopey doing it. But time was running out, and I'm glad I did. I doubt I'll ever know if he even saw it, but just knowing I made the effort makes me happy.


  1. Love your card and what a thoughtful thing for you to do. I hope someone read your card to him. Also wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on my AYSI blue card. Have a wonderful day.

    1. JoAnn, thank you so much for coming to my blog a kind comment on this post. This was a big step for me, but I do think he at least saw the card and that makes me happy!
