Friday, May 24, 2024

Simply Clean & Simple May 2024 Challenge

I bought this string at a thrift store
because I wanted the bobbin. I'm so 
glad to be able to use it on a card!
Tonight I had fun making a card for the Simply Clean & Simple Challenge Blog. CAS is always their theme, but they also have an optional theme. This time it was flowers. That was easy because I love stamping flowers of any kind.

I opted for a red, white and blue theme because I'm so ready to kick off the summer this Memorial Day weekend! I'm ready and excited for summer (minus the continual hurricane threats). There's just something special about those days that the sun stays up late and the air is thick with warmth. And the abundance of watermelon is a really big plus too!

I used a Stampin' Up! set that is one of my all-time favorites. I tried very hard to keep the card clean and simple, which isn't always easy for me. There's quite a bit of unused space on this one, however it's blue. I'm hoping that still qualifies it for a clean and simple card! :)

My complete supply list is:

  • Stampin' Up! So Very Grateful Stamp Set
  • SU! Real Red Card Stock
  • Papertrey Blueberry Bushel Card Stock
  • Memento Black Ink
  • White Card Stock
  • Copic Markers
  • Verve Sentiment
  • My Favorite Things Die (for sentiment)
  • Vintage String

If you'd like to join in the fun, be sure to check out Simply Clean & Simple. They have a fun new challenge each month and it's always fun to play along!


  1. So very pretty Barb! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Simply Clean & Simple challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

  2. Such a pretty card Barb - love the wee string accent you have there
