Sunday, June 9, 2024

Diving Deeper into Philippians 4:13

Today in church we took a closer look at Philippians 4:13. It’s a famous verse that in the New Living Translation simply says, “ For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” This scripture often conjures up images of people climbing steep and treacherous mountains. We can often associate it with difficult tasks, such as studying for a challenging test or working for a demanding boss. And it certainly does mean all that. I’ve heard Bible teachers say that if it’s something that God has called us to do, this verse is applicable. 

But today in church we took it a step further. One of the translations, the Common English Bible says, “I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength.” That gives this verse even deeper meaning. 

Whatever weaker going through today, especially those difficult situations, He can give us the strength to endure it. What a blessing that is no matter what life throws at us each day, God is there and we have the strength, through Him, to make it through. Thanks be to God!


  1. Such a powerful verse, and I love that common English Bible translation. Endurance in our faith through trials is vital, and to know that we can endure not in our strength but in God's, is an awesome promise

  2. This was so uplifting, Barb, thank you. While I prefer the KJV now, when I memorized this one many years ago, I learned it with the NKJV, as "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This verse is surely a favourite of mine. I like your pastor's interpretation as I've recited it many times over the years for strength to endure trials. I hope you do more posts like this, I enjoyed it. God bless.

    1. Thank you so much Kitty! I appreciate your visits and comments! :)
