Saturday, June 1, 2024

Upcycled Calendar Card

NOTE: This card was made and this post created at the early stages of the Israel/Hamas war. Although I still support Israel and my friend for whom this card was made, I in no way condone the killing of those in Palestine. May this post be only to show how to create a pretty card using any calendar photo. 

Today's card is made for a friend who is raising money to support Israel. 

I like making upcycled cards from many sources, but calendars are particularly pretty. Sometimes they're a little hard to work with because of their size, but it's usually doable. 

I just happened to have a calendar that featured Synagogues of the World. I thumbed through it and found this beautiful one in Hungary.

It was really easy from there. I worked with a bigger size card: 5.25 x 7.5. That fit perfectly into a clear envelope that I had and gave me more room to capture the image on the front. I offset the image a little and ran a strip of gold washi tape up the side. The name and city of the synagogue were on the calendar and I cut that out, double framed it and included that too. Easy peasy!

I'm so glad that I save stuff like this you never know when something's going to come in so handy.

Here's a picture of the front of the calendar that I used:

It's my hope that this card will mean a lot to my wonderful Jewish friend who is supporting her beloved country.


  1. What a brilliant use of the calendar page Barb - and like you I support Israel, but find the toll of this war on both sides horrific

    1. Thanks for your kind comments on the card Maxine! And yes, it is all so very heartbreaking. I wish I had words for that but I really don't. Hugs.
