Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Visit To Herrschner's Retail Store!

My daughter just moved to Steven's Point, Wisconsin for her first "big girl job." I was delighted with her choice for three reasons. First, she loves the snow and so do I. Now I get to leave Florida several times a year and get to experience a taste of seasonal weather. Second, flights are easy from my hometown to Appleton, just about an hour away. And third, it's the home of Herrschners!

If you're not familiar with them, you can check out their wonderful website at  I knew it was a wonderful place to buy yarn and I really wanted to see some of their own yarns in person. But I was so blown away by how much this amazing place holds!

The first thing I noticed was the huge selection of cotton quilting fabric. I didn't even know that they sold that, and the selection was amazing! The photo above shows just part of the selections!

On thing that they have throughout the store are samples of crafts. Quilts, afghans and gorgeous sweaters and ponchos were everywhere, providing so much inspiration! The photos on the left and below are just a few of the great projects that they have made up. And many of their items are available in kit forms too.

Their staff is also well-equipped to help you get started on any of these projects as well. Seeing all these wonderful things makes me really want to break away from just making shawls and create something really different.

I love the way all the colors go together too. It was almost autumn when I visited and they did a great job making me feel inspired to start a new fall project!

I hear that Wisconsin winters are brutal, and I so there's so many other things to keep crafty people busy rather than just sewing or crochet. The selection of jigsaw puzzles is the biggest I've ever seen anywhere! I loved the ones in the donut tins, but there are literally hundreds of others to choose from too! Again, the picture below shows just part of their selection.

They also have macrame supplies, cross stitching, plastic canvas necessities and painting supplies too. But I think one of their biggest draws in their back warehouse room that's open to the public. It's filled with discounted items for everyone looking for a great deal on yarn and other supplies!

What I love best about visiting Herrschner's is being able to feel and see the yarns that you're buying. It's also nice to be able to take everything home right then and there. My daughter, on the left, was so sweet to take me there several times and was willing to drive me there as much as I needed. I really appreciate her understanding my craft addictions! I know it's not convenient to most of the country, but if you do happen to be in the central Wisconsin area, be sure to stop by. It's a wonderful place and you'll be so glad you did!


  1. I my goodness - I have a serious case of crafting envy !! We don't have huge stores like that here in NZ - there are some larger stores, but they generally don't have that huge array of crafts!! So glad you got to go there more than once. Your daughter looks very much like you Barb

    1. I love that Maxine! And yes, people do say we look alike. Thanks so much for stopping by! :)
